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Unread 06-05-2007   #1
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Smile The World's Smallest Woman (Complete)

I got the basic idea from a sequence that used to be on The Process (the one about the cow-woman). Mine runs slightly differently, though, and I may do my own comic of it later on when I'm more confident in my drawing ability and have had more time to practice. In the meantime, hope you enjoy. As always, comments welcome.

EDIT: Fair warning. This is slightly on the long side of a "Short" Story. Didn't realize it was quite that long when I wrote it...

"See the World's Smallest Woman."

Megan glared maliciously at the gaudy painted sign. She had already seen the Snake Woman, the World's Smallest Horse, the Gorilla Man, and half a dozen other cheap, hokey sideshow attractions. She was getting pretty bored with the whole ordeal, but what else was she going to do? Her boyfriend had ditched her on the carnival's midway, promising to be right back after he rode the Death Blaster, this year's hot new ride. That had been over half an hour ago, and knowing how long the line was likely to be, and that he'd probably ride it twice no matter how long she had to wait, it was looking to be at least another half hour. She would've already gone home, if she hadn't ridden to the carnival with him.

"Next time, come in your own car," she grumbled to herself. She looked again at the huge, bright red letters advertising one of the few attractions she hadn't yet seen. "What the hell," she sighed, "it can't be any dumber than the Giant Alligator." She shuffled up to the attendant, paid a dollar, and stepped into the large tent, all the while cursing her absent boyfriend under her breath. The tent seemed somewhat cramped, largely because the area she could walk in was fairly narrow. The rest of the tent was taken up by an enclosure resembling a jail cell or animal pen. Steel bars, set close together, ran from one side of the tent to the other, only a few feet from her. Inside the cell she could see various objects: a twin-size mattress on the floor in the back, a low table, a large padded chair with no legs, a doll seated in the chair, what looked like a half-sized armoire on the floor, and a few other things.

"Oh, a visitor. Hi!"

The voice threw her off at first, until she realized that what had looked like a doll was in fact a living woman in a v-necked blue dress. Compared to the objects around her, she looked to only be about a foot tall. Megan was taken aback--it was a very good illusion. It really looked like she was that small. She wondered how it was done. Her first thougt was animatronics, until the blonde-haired miniature stood up from her chair. If she was animatronic, she was the most convincing one Megan had ever seen. It occured to her that she hadn't responded to the greeting.

"Um, hi." Not knowing what else to say, she added, "I'm Megan."

"Pleased to meet you, Megan. I'm Rebecca," the woman said as she stepped closer to the front of the cage, the hem of the dress swaying around her ankles as she walked. She stopped a few feet from the bars and grinned. "So what brings you to see the World's Smallest Woman?" she asked.

"I don't know. A combination of curiosity and boredom, I guess. I figured whatever the trick was here, it couldn't be any worse than that lame-ass Lizard Man."

Rebecca looked puzzled. "Trick?"

"Yeah, you know, the trick," replied Megan. "However they've got this rigged to really make you look like a tiny woman. I thought at first maybe animatronics. I know you're way too small to be a young kid in a costume."

The small woman looked genuinely offended. "Now you just wait a second! That's insulting! I really am this size! There's no trick here!"

Megan chuckled. "You're a good actress. I'll admit it, this is the best gimmick I've seen in this lousy little sideshow. So come on, clue me in. What's the trick? I won't tell anybody. Is it something with mirrors? I thought that might be why this tent's bigger than some of the others. How do they do it?"

Rebecca continued to look insulted. "And just what makes you think you know everything, hmm? I told you, there's no 'gimmick' to this. You're looking at a real, live, genuine, walking, talking adult woman who just so happens to be one foot tall."

"Oh, come off it. That's impossible."

"Oh really? What if I could prove it to you? What would you say to that?"

"Yeah, right, sure," Megan laughed. "There's no way. But I'll bite. How exactly would you prove it?"

Rebecca's grin returned. "I'll show you, but you have to come in here. There's a door all the way to your left, in the corner where the bars meet the tent. The combination is 3-8-6. I'd let myself out for a night on the town once in a while, but even though I can get my hand through the bars, it's too high for me to reach."

Megan stepped into the corner of the tent to find a door with a locked latch about waist-high. "Too high for you to reach? Boy, you're really sticking to your story." She started to input the code, but stopped. "Wait a minute. Won't I get in trouble if someone comes in? And how do I know I can trust you?"

The small woman gave her an odd look. "It's been a slow night, and the manager is on a lunch break. As for trusting me...I'm a foot tall. What am I going to do to you? You're over five times my size! Come on, don't be silly."

Feeling slightly foolish, Megan put in the code and opened the latch. After stepping inside, she pulled the door closed, but didn't close the lock--she'd be able to get to the latch through the bars, but she didn't think she could turn the tumblers on the lock through them. She stepped over to Rebecca, flicking her eyes rapidly around the tent trying to spot the trick. As she stopped in front of Rebecca, she realized that even up close the other woman only came up to about the middle of her shin.

"Well, I guess I can rule out mirrors," she said while looking down at the little woman's face. I'm still dying to know what the trick is."

Rebecca smiled up at her and shook her head. "I let you in here to prove this is real, remember?"

Megan had to stifle a derisive snort. "Oh yeah. How could I forget?"

"Come over here," the miniature blonde instructed. She led Megan over to the chair she had been sitting in. "Have a seat." The taller woman looked at the chair doubtfully. The cushion only came up to Rebecca's mid-back and the chair looked barely large enough for a six-year-old. To the tent's occupant it probably seemed like more than enough room, but...

"I know it looks a bit...cozy...but I want you to sit in it. It's sturdy, you won't break it."

Megan squeezed herself into the chair, her butt feeling compressed by the narrow sides and her knees almost to her chin. "Alright...and why am I doing this?"

Rebecca gave her an amused look. "I wanted you to get a sense of perspective, so to speak. This chair is tiny and cramped to you, but close your eyes and try to picture how it'd feel if you were my size. Have you seen that Giant Chair photo booth down by the souvenir shops? Try to imagine that this chair feels the same to me as that one probably would to you." Megan closed her eyes and remembered how that chair had felt when she'd sat in it earlier in the evening. Then she tried to picture sitting in this micro-chair and getting the same feeling...

Her eyes snapped open when she felt the smaller woman put her hand in Megan's palm. Without thinking, she jerked her hand away. "What are you doing?"

"Still trying to prove that what you see is real," replied Rebecca. "I was going to show you that I'm a warm-blooded human and have the same skin and bones as you. Now give me your hand back. I promise I won't bite," she said with a grin. Megan lowered her arm and took the little woman's hand in her own. Her entire outstretched hand almost fit inside Megan's palm. "Feel that? I have the same body temperature as you. Squeeze my hand a bit--not too hard--right, like that. Bones, see? Now, put your fingers up here on my wrist. Feel my pulse? I'm no robot or mannequin."

Megan pulled her hand away. "Alright, you've made your point. So then what are you? A midget? A really smart little kid in a good costume? What?" She stood up from the chair, having less trouble than she'd thought getting her rear out from between the sides. It didn't feel as compressed as it had when she sat down in the first place. She looked down to find the knee-high woman giving her an insulted glare.

"A midget? Midgets aren't this short. And their proportions are off," Rebecca stated archly. "As for being a little kid...well, let's just say I find that offensive. I'm an adult. Children don't have adult proportions either. And they certainly don't have these!"

Before Megan could react, the little woman grabbed her hand and pressed it against her breasts, clearly noticeable thanks to the dress' tight fabric and deep v-neck, which showed quite a lot of cleavage. The miniature blonde's breasts both fit in Megan's hand, but they almost the size of ping-pong balls, rather than, say, gumballs, which is what she would've expected given the woman was only a foot tall. Proportionately they were pretty big--based on how they felt, she guessed that if she were a normal-sized human Rebecca would be a D-cup, maybe even DD, easily beating out her own 34-C's.

Suddenly she felt two small points poking into her hand, and she instantly shook herself out of whatever haze she'd been in and jerked her hand quickly away. Rebecca's nipples, the size of pencil erasers, were still pointing up, probably from the contact. They stood out in perfect definition from the front of the dress, one on either side of the v that went all the way down past the bottom of her breasts, and it occured to Megan how odd it was that the little woman would be permitted to wear something so revealing at what was theoretically a family attraction. The dress looked nearly skin-tight, clearly outlining her breasts and her ass, and the hem was halfway up her thighs.

"What...what the hell was that about?" Megan stammered after regaining her composure. She didn't know why she hadn't pulled her hand away immediately. Probably she had been too stunned by the smaller woman's action to react immediately. She also felt like her thinking was a bit foggy... Maybe she was just tired...

"What do you mean?" Rebecca asked with a mischievous grin. "I just wanted you to see that I'm an adult woman and not some little kid playing dress-up. That, and I was giving you a sense of scale. You can see how much smaller my breasts are than yours."

"Um...yeah..." Megan unconsciously glanced down at her chest and frowned when she noticed that her shirt seemed baggy. The skull-and-crossbones design with "Surrender the Booty!" written beneath was one of her favorites, and now it looked like it had gotten stretched out somehow. It was hanging loosely off of her shoulders, and the bottom of the shirt was below her waist. She tried to adjust it but couldn't get it to sit right. In the process, she also noticed that her bra felt odd, as if it wasn't cupping her breasts right. They almost didn't look like they were filling it out properly. However, she didn't feel like fidgeting under her shirt in front of anyone, especially this odd little woman.

"I mean, really, mine are a lot smaller than yours. See?" And so saying, she quickly reacher her hand up under the inexplicably loose shirt and improperly-fitting bra and grabbed onto one of Megan's breasts. Megan had just enough time to register that the woman's hand felt bigger than she'd thought (nearly half the size of her own), and how odd it was that Rebecca was able to reach up that far, when she felt the small fingers tweak her nipple and she once again woke herself up.

"Hey! HEY! Get out of there!" She snapped, pushing the miniature blonde away and wobbling slightly with the effort. She hadn't mean to push as hard as she did, because she didn't want to hurt the smaller woman, but she must not have put as much energy into it as she thought, because Rebecca didn't back up more than a few feet. Almost instantly the cloudiness returned to her mind and she began to feel dizzy. She wobbled again, closed her eyes, and put out one arm to try to balance herself.

"Something the matter, hon?" came Rebecca's voice.

"I...I don't know...I I'm going to fall over..."

"Maybe you'd better sit down, then." She felt Rebecca's hand grasp her own and a slender arm around her waist. "It'll help if you keep your eyes can trust me." She felt the smaller woman give a surprisingly firm push and she started to walk. She stumbled in her shoes--for some reason they seemed much too large. She kicked them off without thinking. Her next steps were in bare feet and she realized her socks had followed along. After a few moments she felt cloth under her feet again. It almost felt like the cuffs of her pants--but that was impossible, she'd worn capris.

"Here we are. Have a seat and relax. The dizziness will go away soon enough." She did as Rebecca suggested, finding herself sitting in a chair that was much larger and more comfortable than the small one designed for the other woman. This one was actually a bit too large for her to put both arms on the armrests, and she had to scoot back slightly to put her back against the cushion. She wondered how she had missed a full-size chair in the cage, or why it was here when there was no way a foot-tall woman could use it.

Rebecca continued to hold her hand, and after a few moments of steadiness with her eyes closed, the dizziness faded, though her mind still felt sluggish. She opened her eyes to see Rebecca's face staring right back at her. It seemed much larger than it should have, though she assumed it was because her sitting position allowed the woman to get right in her face. Glancing down, she noticed that Rebecca had changed into an even more indecent outfit in the same shade as her dress. She now sported a tube top that only covered the bottom half of her breasts--the top half of her nipples were even visible over it. The hem of her ultra-mini-skirt was up all the way to her ass, exposing some extremely tight thong panties that left nothing to the imagination. Once again she was amazed the woman could get away with wearing something like that at a place where anyone could walk in and see her. Her thoughts were interrupted by Rebecca sniffing the air in front of her face.

" that cotton candy? Have you had cotton candy? Do you know how hard it is for me to get any in here? I haven't had it in ages. How about a little taste?" she said with a grin.

"Huh? I haven't had--mmmphhh!" Megan was cut off by the other woman kissing her full on the lips and sticking her tongue in her mouth. Despite the size difference, Rebecca's tongue felt huge--maybe even larger than her own. And the miniature woman was apparently incredibly strong for her size, too, because it took Megan several seconds of struggling and a really hard push to break out of Rebecca's overzealous and unwanted tongue kiss.

"Ugh! What the hell are you doing?!" Megan screamed. "That's it--to hell with being dizzy, I'm getting out of here!" So saying, she tried to stand up, only to find her feet hanging off the floor. She hopped down from the chair and her pants dropped completely off her waist, pooling around her ankles. Looking down in shock, she saw her panties lying inside them. Frantically, she grabbed them and hauled them up, but the second she let go they slid off her hips and hit the floor again. She stepped out of them, picked them up, and stretched them out in front of her, only to find that they were suddenly the size of a blanket. However, it didn't matter, because her shirt came down to the midpoint of her shins. The sleeves almost completely covered her outstretched arms, and the neck hole was almost as wide as her shoulders. Her bra cups were down below her waist and looked to be three times as large as her breasts.

Confused and panicked, she bolted for the door. Halfway there, she got tangled in her enormous shirt and bra and fell to the floor. Leaving the bra and scrambling to pull herself and her shirt back up, she heard a voice right behind her.

"Now where are you going in such a rush?"

She turned to see Rebecca behind her, now completely nude save for a few scraps of blue cloth hanging off her frame. As Megan stood up to her full height, she found herself staring directly at Rebecca's navel. Rather than try to make sense of this, since it had to be impossible, she turned again and ran to the door. But when she got there, she couldn't reach the latch! Somehow, it had risen up so far as to be out of arm's reach for her!

Turning around again, she found the huge Rebecca right behind her. Grinning mischievously, the towering blonde reached down and put her hand on top of Megan's head. For a moment everything went dark as Megan's head dropped into her shirt, but things cleared up a moment later when the neck hole fell past her shoulders, leaving her nude. She was now eye-level with Rebecca's thigh, but as she watched, her eye level sank to the blonde's knee, then the middle of her shin. Megan realized she now stood comparatively as high to Rebecca as the other woman had when she stepped into the cage. A quick check of her surroundings made her realize that the former little woman was now a normal-sized woman. She craned her neck and looked upward at the now-enormous Rebecca's face.

"What the hell is going on here?! shrunk me!"

The giantess smiled down at her. "I thought this was all a trick? All fake? Mirrors, animatronics, costumes..."

Megan did her best to look angry, but found it wasn't easy to do when the object of your rage is five times your size. "Obviously, I was wrong. I apologize. How about you change me back now?"

Rebecca chuckled. "Well, I wouldn't even if I could, which I can't." She began gathering Megan's discarded clothing.

"What? What do you mean? Change me back, you bitch!" Megan yelled in a voice that sounded distressingly high-pitched.

"I'll ignore that remark," Rebecca said. "But before you make another one, realize I could pick you up and snap you in half if you gave me a good reason." She allowed Megan a moment to let that sink in. "But I understand. I felt the same way when this was done to me last year."

"What are you talking about? What do you mean, when it was done to you?" Megan called out. "Hey, those are mine!"

"Well, if you'll be quiet, I'll tell you," the larger woman said as she pulled on the smaller one's overgrown panties. "And not anymore, they're not. You can't wear them, I can, so there," Rebecca said with a smirk. "Anyway...this is some kind of weird curse, or something. I don't really fully understand it myself, but I fell for it about eight months ago with the previous occupant of this attraction." She paused a moment, struggling to button Megan's capri pants, which were a little snug on her. The shrunken woman grinned at this, but it faded when Rebecca proved too big for Megan's bra and stuffed it in her pocket.

"First, the really bad news. You're stuck like this for a minimum of six months. That's how long the curse has to last. And this is a sideshow attraction, so you're going to be gawked at." She tugged Megan's pirate T-shirt on.

"And the good news?"

"Well, the good news is, first, I didn't destroy your only outfit. You'll find plenty of clothes in the cabinet in back, so you won't be nude for the duration. Second, you'll be very well-fed and cared for; the guy who owns this is really nice. And third, after six months, you can transfer this to someone else and return to normal."

"Not much in the way of good news," Megan grumbled. "Why the hell did you do this to me, anyway?"

"It's nothing personal," replied Rebecca. "You just happened to be the first person to simultaneously give me good pretense and be here when nobody else, including the manager, was around. I didn't want to be stuck like that forever either, you know."

Megan sighed. "I wouldn't have even come in here if I hadn't been waiting on my boyfriend. If I ever get back to normal I'm gonna kill him..."

Rebecca finished tying on Megan's sneakers and stepped out of the door, closing the lock behind her. "Before I go, I'll tell you how to transfer this. You have to get someone to come in here and take your place of their own free will, then transfer your size by physical contact, at least some of which has to be intimate. Oh, and it can't be anyone that's already been cursed, not that you'd catch me back here anyway."

"I'll never get anyone to agree to this," Megan moaned. Suddenly she glared at Rebecca. "Hey, wait, I didn't agree to this! I didn't do this of my own free will!"

The normal-sized woman grinned at her. "Who opened the lock? Who sat down in my chair and pictured herself in my situation, all of her own volition?"

"But...I wasn't...dammit."

"And that's how you should probably try to do it, too, when your time comes," said Rebecca as she headed for the tent's exit. "Oh, one more thing," she called over her shoulder. "Be sure to find an outfit that'll rip easily so you can grow out of it. It'd look suspicious for you to suddenly strip naked after getting someone in your cage." So saying, she left the tent and walked away into the carnival, leaving the miniaturized Megan to begin rummaging through the cabinet and imagining all the horrible things she'd do to her ex-boyfriend in six months...
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est.

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Unread 06-05-2007   #2
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Yeah! Nice. Thanks!
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Unread 06-06-2007   #3
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Sweeeeeet! I love this!

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Unread 06-06-2007   #4
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I did like the story, but it lends towards a few logical questions that you might, if you actually cared and weren't just writing a fun grow/shrink story for the heck of it, want to think about.

For example, if these women aren't hidden, then how the heck does the owner of the sideshow not get arrested for kidnapping, at the very least. If he's so nice, and grants the women so much "freedom", what stops them from screaming bloody murder till someone gets the police, or what stops the police from investigating the carnival since it was the last place these women were seen in the first place. Things like that.

For my money, I'm wondering why she's blaming and plotting revenge against her poor, dumb boyfriend rather than the b!tch who just set her up.
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Unread 06-06-2007   #5
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Good questions, dsojourn...

I meant to imply the guy running the show doesn't know his star attraction knows how to pick the lock. He may even be clueless what's going on (I accidentally left out a part where Rebecca mentions that Megan looks a lot like her). Also, yeah, the women go missing, and the carnival was the last place they were seen...but carnivals travel, and missing persons reports have to wait, what, 24, 48 hours? Plus they'd be looking for a 5-foot-something woman, not a doll-sized one.

As to the boyfriend thing...she was already mad at him when the story started, and if not for him leaving her hanging she wouldn't be in that predicament. Besides, there's nothing she can do--the curse won't swap back to Rebecca, and she'll be long gone in six months anyway.

But valid questions nonetheless
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Unread 06-06-2007   #6
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wow that was great!

good job
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Unread 06-06-2007   #7
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Rebecca's a tricky lil'minx!

Well...she used to be little.

Hope Megan can be as devious.

Sure would be fun watching her try! lol!

Great short, dude!

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Unread 06-08-2007   #8
Captain Ash
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Hi qzar9999,

first at all you wrote a really awesome story.
In Word the story is about 7 pages long, so don’t worry - it’s normal for a short story.
I liked the funny dialog and word jokes between the two characters.
Megan’s disbelief in small one-foot-woman made her acting na?ve and Rebecca’s little appearance using her body size to playing innocent and giving Megan a reason to prove herself being a real woman were excellent.

While reading the story, I imagined how the story would continue and that Megan wonders how it’s possible being that small, after making sure that Rebecca’s body size is not a fake.
Rebecca would offer her to show her with the prospect of becoming normal again (so Rebecca would Megan do this all by her own will, telling her of course not how long she had to stay this form); bored and curious too, silly Megan would accept this offer.

What I’m missing in this story was when Megan was shrunk she could have acting more panic, like trying to jump in order to reach the lock or squeezing herself through the bars.
After realizing her situation and apologizing how wrong she was, Rebecca could torture her a bit like to poke her breasts and punishing her for humiliating her because of her size before.
In the end when Rebecca is going to leave former prison, I in Megan’s place would start cursing this bitch what she had done and what doing to her when regaining her originally body size back instead being mad of her boyfriend (which should be her last concern in such a situation – even hoping that he wouldn’t looking for her in a place like this).
After being left alone, Megan should be aware of herself that she had to be in this place for a horrible long time, being nothing more than another attraction and be in the mercy of her keeper and nobody knowing what happened to her.
(Maybe she could start wondering if she could do something cruel like that?)

What I also missed a bit in this story was Megan’s appearance. We know that Rebecca is a blonde hot woman with some enormous boobs and Megan only a C-cup.
I would like to know what Megan’s hair colour is and if she wears her hairs long or short (maybe how big she was before she was shrunken).

To dsojourn comments:
It is plausible wondering why these women are not trying to crying for help, but if they do, they would get never the chance to return to their former self.
Even if they are regaining their full body size, they cannot sue these people because they had tricked others to becoming victims like they were before, so they cannot tell it anyone.
Besides, it would be embarrassing for them, showing the whole world what poor little things they had become (and scientists and doctors would do with them).
Its not that they didn’t want to escape, but mentioned before they probably wouldn’t get the chance to get out of their prison and thus the cage is actually a safety measure to keep out the sightseer visitors, before someone thinks he could take her home.
Thinking about it, if Rebecca were really that much of a bitch, she could keep lil’Megan as her pet. …but that would be a different story^^

Okay, that’s enough comments for today.
Thank you qzar9999 for writing this story, I really enjoyed it.

Captain Ash
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