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Unread 06-15-2010   #1
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Wristband of Inversion (Complete)

I decided to try something different. I'm not altogether pleased by it, but bear with me. I'm trying to write professionally for a living and doing something both erotic and fetish-y is highly uncomfortable for me.

__________________________________________________ _____________________________

Dorm life sucked.

Kenneth Randall never liked night classes. They were always too late, and he felt vulnerable coming home at night. Campus crimes were on an upswing, and Kenneth was carrying his laptop and his iPod. Expensive stuff people were always looking to steal. You could never completely trust anyone here. It didn't help that none of his high school friends were on this campus. Everyone here was a complete stranger.

What made matters even worse was that his roommate was a slob. Taylor Quinn wasn't necessarily out to get Kenneth, but he didn't seem to have a care for anything in the world. He devoured Cheetos like his life depended on it and he tended to get orange crap all over stuff. Remarkably, he was only overweight, not obese, despite all of the processed, high-fat junk he devoured.

Plus, Kenneth had a sneaking suspicion that Taylor kept stealing his food, but there was no way to know for sure.

But right now, Taylor wasn't his problem. Getting to the point where Taylor would be a problem was the tricky part.

Every shadow could hide some punk who wanted something shiny. Gangs liked hanging out on campus too, and it wouldn't be the first time that they attacked some random college student because he looked funny.

He supposed things would be more dangerous if he was a girl. Girls got raped. Guys just got beat up. He wished he could do something about it, but he had no idea.

Suddenly, as he turned the corner, he bumped into a young man. He was tall, handsome, strong and had a kind face. He looked at Kenneth. "Hey, I've seen you around before," the man said.

"Uh . . . do I know you?" Kenneth asked.

"Maybe," the young man said mysteriously.

Right . . . he's been dropped as a baby. Better leave him alone, Kenneth thought. But before he could leave, the young man grabbed his hand.

"There's been problems on this campus," the young man said.

"Yeah, so?" Kenneth asked, wondering whether the young man was about to pull a gun.

The young man instead pulled some brown wristband off of his arm and handed it out. "This will cure all of your concerns. Your roommate could use some . . . adjustments, I believe."

How does he know this? Kenneth thought.

The young man chuckled. "My roommate gave this to me and I certainly improved. It makes a person a total opposite of what they were. If they were stupid, they'll become smart. If they were strong, they become weak. It's all relative, though, a thin or overweight person isn't going to become a bodybuilder. About the only thing that doesn't change is skin, eye, and hair color, as well as the person's age."

He dumped the brown wristband into Kenneth's hand.

"You could put it on yourself, but it won't solve your current issue . . . and may make said issue even worse," the young man said. "So I highly suggest you don't use it on yourself."

He chuckled then, in a surprisingly perky way. "Take care of yourself. This is a one-time only, once it's used on a person there's no going back. Not like it matters anyway, it looks like it's on its last legs. So use it particularly wisely."

And then he vanished into the shadows, like he had the stealth and agility of a ninja.

Kenneth just stared at the brown wristband, and was tempted to put it on, just to see what would happen. But he resisted. This was ridiculous. The young man was just playing a trick on him.

So Kenneth dropped the wristband on the muddy autumn ground and walked away.
When he got to his dorm and fumbled for his keys, Kenneth got a surprise.

The wristband had returned.

He held the thing in his hand, and he couldn't help but wonder why it was here, when he was sure he had thrown it out. What was this used-up piece of junk doing here?

He dropped it to the floor, ripped out of his keys, and opened and shut the door behind him in a flash, in case the wristband tried to roll into the room after him.

When no such eerie thing happened, Kenneth sighed in relief. He set his keys down and took off his jacket, and hung it up on the closet door. He must've merely thought he had thrown it out, when it actually was . . .

Right in his jean pocket.

Kenneth yanked it out along with his wallet and stared. There was no mistaking it this time. He was sure he had discarded it the second time, and this meant that the wristband was possessed.

And it wanted to be used.

Cue the creepy music, Kenneth thought.

At least there weren't any spirits or ghosts trying to haunt him. That would have made things even worse.

Maybe this was the wristband's way of showing that it did have magical power. It looked like a wrecked version of the classic "Live Strong" yellow wristband, but it was gifted with something . . . something quite powerful indeed.

The young man hadn't been crazy after all.

Suddenly, Kenneth was filled with temptation. He looked over at his slob of a roommate, Taylor Quinn. Wouldn't it be nice if Taylor became a neat freak? If he slimmed down? Hell, if Taylor got more handsome he and Kenneth could even bring girls in here.
The thought of finally being able to bring pretty girls to their dorm room. Kenneth had never been able to have a girlfriend before, his home life had been too chaotic to consider it. His father was a drunk, and his mother had died a long time ago. He was still worried for his two younger siblings who were stuck at home with that drunk.

The thought of finally getting a girl . . . even if it was just a leftover from the horde that would swarm Taylor Quinn, girl magnet . . .

Oh hell.

Kenneth ran over to his roommate. He couldn't wake Taylor up, no matter what. His roommate could care less about Kenneth, unless Kenneth did something to piss Taylor off. And screwing with Taylor in such a way was guaranteed to piss Taylor off.

He carefully took the wristband in his right hand and slipped it onto Taylor's right hand. It helped that the right hand was uncovered, Taylor was dozing on top of messy sheets as always, snoring like a fog horn. It was slipped on with surprising ease, considering Taylor's big, meaty hands, and Kenneth backed away, trying to catch his breath, he hadn't been aware of how hard his heart had been pounding until he had finished.

But nothing happened.

Kenneth watched the clock for the next ten minutes. Still no changes.

Was it something that happened on a time delay? Or did the wristband magically reappearing use up all of the magic that was left?

Or maybe the wearer had to be conscious for it to work.

Whatever the case, it could wait until morning, Kenneth guessed. Taylor would be wondering how the hell a wristband got slipped on him in the middle of the night and Kenneth would be taking all of the abuse. Despite the risk, though, Kenneth didn't remove the wristband. The hope of Taylor finally becoming a decent roommate, and potential attractor of girls, was just too much.

Kenneth, after getting dressed in sleepwear, got into his sheets and went to bed. Maybe the thing was a dud after all . . .

It took him a moment to realize that Taylor's snoring was not as loud as it normally was. Kenneth's eyes peered towards Taylor. Was it really working?

Kenneth closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Taylor Quinn, the perfect roommate, might be on his way after all.
Kenneth woke up early, at about six a.m., even though he didn't need to get up until seven. He hadn't slept well, his mind had been swimming with thoughts of the girls that were to come with handsome, clean, non-perverted Taylor Quinn.

In excitement, he looked over at Taylor, expecting to see the embodiment of a babe magnet sleeping next to him.

To his disappointment, the same overweight slob was still there. He wasn't snoring anymore, but there didn't seem to be any other serious difference.

Maybe it's slow, Kenneth thought. But how the hell am I going to get Taylor to keep that thing on if it works so slow? How the heck did any of the bad roommates completely change when they'd probably want nothing more than to take the wristband off?

With a sigh, Kenneth got out of bed. He'd best make fast tracks away from here before Taylor caught him. Taylor always overslept anyway, and it'd take a herd of elephants to wake him up. Taylor and Kenneth attended the same morning classes, but Taylor tended to miss half of them and was late to the half he did show up for.

If he did this right, maybe the wristband would do more changes before Taylor would wake up and discover what had happened.

Any changes, however slight, had to be a good thing.

As Kenneth tip-toed towards the closet, however, he noticed a funny thing on the thin, old carpet.

It felt fuzzier than usual.

Kenneth looked down, and suddenly fall body hair all over the floor. It was dark brown, the same shade as . . .

Kenneth looked at Taylor. With a sudden realization, Kenneth realized all of Taylor's body hair was gone. Or, more accurately, shaven completely off. It was like a magic razor had come in the night and went all over Taylor, removing all of the body hair on the man, and all of it was around Taylor, on the floor, and on the bed.

He is changing, Kenneth thought.

He walked over closer to Taylor. Now that he thought about it, Taylor's skin didn't just look shaven, it looked smooth and soft. Almost like a . . .

Oh crap. Is he turning into a woman?

That was not what Kenneth had signed up for. He had wanted to turn Taylor into a woman's dream, not a woman period! He had to remove that wristband now!

But as he reached over to remove the wristband, he was surprised that Taylor's skin was . . . soft. Clean. His hand, even though it was still its old size and shape, seemed more graceful and less bulky.

It was enthralling, and Kenneth was tempted to let the transformation continue. But he knew that wasn't right. He didn't want the guy to change in such a drastic manner. He needed to focus, he needed to-

Suddenly, Taylor moaned. Kenneth jumped so much that he literally landed on his own bed.

Taylor's brown eyes shot open. "Holy crap," he said in a voice filled with awe and wonder.

Taylor's hand opened and closed, as his body trembled. His eyelashes became longer, more striking. Taylor's buzz cut started to turn into wavy strands.

His voice was already developing a distinctly feminine tone. "I feel so different . . . I'm feeling [i]good]/i]!"

With that, his body spasmed, and Taylor cried out as his chest grew slightly in size, and his gut began to contract. The cracking of Taylor's bones became audible. After some more spasming, Taylor shot to his feet and held his stomach as it began to shrink into his body. His arms trembled as the fat seemed to burn away. His hair became longer, less stringy, more clean and straight.

Taylor's pudgy face lost the fat in his cheeks, and his cheekbones rose and reshaped itself, as his hair fell past his neck and became shoulder-length. Taylor swallowed, and his Adam's Apple vanished. "This is your doing, isn't it?"

His voice had become androgynous, husky. His body continued to contort into a more graceful, yet athletic, female shape as his hands began to shrink in size, and his nails began to grow out. His now thin arms flexed, and muscles slowly began to grow, becoming defined, toned.

Kenneth couldn't speak. He hadn't planned on this at all. He hadn't intended for Taylor to actually become a woman. This development was absolutely stunning, and much to Kenneth's shock Taylor was actually starting to become attractive as female features began to overpower the male aspects.

His clothes were changing too. His tank top seemed to be turning into a sports bra, as the midsection tore apart and fell away, crumbling into dust. This exposed Taylor's stomach, but instead of a gut there was a clean, smooth stomach. His boxers also began to shrink, but Kenneth noticed that there wasn't much of a bulge in Taylor's downstairs anymore. The boxers changed color too, becoming a violet color with white stripes as they continued to reshape to Taylor's increasingly feminine body.

Taylor climbed up on the bed and crawled towards Kenneth. Much to his surprise, Taylor didn't look lustful or opportunistic, but kind, caring. Taylor's right hand reached up and stroked Kenneth's face, and her skin felt ethereal, yet with a hidden, comforting strength. Her voice was throaty, with just a trace of raspiness. "Are you okay?"

Breasts slowly jutted out of Taylor's chest, and Taylor's butt became more shapely as her bones audibly cracked. Graceful strength seemed to be the theme of Taylor's body. She was strong, but not muscular. Like someone who ran and did Pilates, but not like someone who practiced bodybuilding. A gentle beauty forged from steel.

Wait . . . did he just think of Taylor as a "she"? Or "beautiful"?

"She" fit Taylor more than any male euphemism now. Long, straight hair blossomed past her shoulders down her back, becoming a long mane that was carefully conditioned. Her face finished its dramatic transformation, her eyes were filled with warmth and her cheeks were rosy and friendly. Her legs had lost all fat, and as they involuntarily flexed they became strong and defined, but not bulging or huge.

As Taylor hugged Kenneth, her breasts stopped growing, halting at a comfortable non-intrusive size that were slightly smaller than softballs. Kenneth couldn't keep himself from returning the embrace, and ran his fingers through Taylor's clean, luscious hair, and then rubbed her steely yet delicate back and shoulders. She didn't seem real. She couldn't be real.

Taylor's fully-formed voice spoke. It was smooth, gentle, but not fragile. A pleasant medium, not too deep, not too high. "Ken, are you okay? You're so tense. What happened?"

Does Taylor have no idea what just happened?

Kenneth looked around, and suddenly realized all of Taylor's clothes in the open closet had become women's clothes. This shouldn't be possible. This was a co-ed dorm, but it shouldn't be possible for two people of different genders to share the same room! Not to mention how could Taylor's clothes change at all?

Taylor's voice became choked with concern. "Ken, please answer me! What happened?"

Kenneth realized he had to talk. "N-Nothing, it's just a bad dream."

"Oh." Taylor's hands rubbed his back again. "Don't scare me like that. I thought it was something far worse than that."

Her voice, so full of caring and concern . . . this wasn't Taylor just becoming a nice girl. This was unusual empathy, as opposed to the old Taylor's apathy. Taylor couldn't help but care for people now.

Perhaps confirming his suspicions, Taylor leaned in and softly kissed him on the cheek. It wasn't a wet, smoochy kiss either, just a soft affectionate peck.

Taylor chuckled then. "You need to shave."

She turned around, stretched her legs, and then hopped off the bed. It was then that Kenneth got his first real look at the transformed Taylor.

Her clothes had indeed become a white sports bra and violet shorts, both of which fit her body exceptionally well and left little to the imagination, yet remained classy and stylish. Her body had a healthy tan, her arms and legs toned and athletic. Her abdomen had scrunched into a six-pack but it wasn't a dramatic, ridge-like one, just soft and smooth, like small, rounded hills. Her hair cascaded down all the way to the bottom of her back. And her hands were graceful, yet could become stone-hard in a second if they had to.

"Well, I'm going to do a quick jog around the campus so you can have the shower first. Then we need to study before class at eight. I know you suck at history and you need my help," Taylor said with a bright, gleaming smile.

Kenneth was still unable to talk. Girls like this couldn't exist . . . and yet the wristband had created one. He looked for it on Taylor's right hand, and he just caught the barest hints of it as it crumbled into dust.

It had truly been on its last legs as that friendly young man had said. Every bit of its magic had been used turning Taylor into this beautiful, compassionate woman.

"Uh, yeah," Kenneth said, still struggling for words to say towards this girl that could only exist in a fantasy.

Taylor's voice became concerned again. "You sure nothing's wrong? You've been acting funny."

Kenneth looked away. "I . . . uh . . ."

Taylor's voice became firm. "I'm never going back to the person I once was. I'm going to embrace this new me, and all of the changes in reality that come with it. I love this body, and I love you. These are wonderful feelings, and I can't let go of them."

So Taylor does know what happened!

Kenneth finally felt that he could speak honestly towards this woman. "But you know it's me who did this to you. I never intended for you to change so . . . drastically, in such an unexpected way."

Taylor laughed. "Like I said, I love being this way! I'm so energetic, strong, and beautiful! Heck, I just sensed that someone who died because I was too apathetic to jump into a river to save him is alive again! All because of what you did!"

Kenneth managed to give Taylor an awkward grin. "All right then, if you say so."

Taylor smiled, and ran forwards towards him and knelt down. "Don't be ashamed. I haven't felt this good ever. You made me better, Ken. Really. Now just relax and take a nice shower while I do my run."

Taylor jogged towards the door, but then all of a sudden she stopped. "Oh wait!"

"What?" Kenneth asked.

Taylor ran back, and bent down towards the floor. She smiled as she showed off what she picked up. "I need to give this to someone. The poor guy is being victimized by his steroid-addicted roommate. I think he needs someone gentler and sensitive, don't you?"

It took Kenneth a moment to realize it was the same dirty brown wristband that he had brought into this dorm. Even though it had crumbled into dust just moments before. And it was right in her hand.

Taylor ran towards the door, and her lively brown eyes turned towards Kenneth. "See you soon! I love you!"

"Yeah, bye!" Kenneth managed, and the door shut. He immediately collapsed onto his bed, and tried to comprehend what the hell just happened.

So this was a cycle. A cycle being perpetually repeated throughout campus, trying to improve the lot of people stuck with poor roommates by turning them not only into model roommates, but exceptionally attractive and compassionate members of the opposite sex, thus improving the lives of everyone on campus.

That meant the handsome, friendly young man who had handed Taylor the wristband last night . . .

Had once been a girl.

That's it! Cold shower for me! Kenneth thought. He marched right to the closet, grabbed his clothes, and walked right into the bathroom.

The door closed with a satisfying thunk.
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Unread 06-15-2010   #2
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Re: Wristband of Inversion (quickie MtF TG story)

That was an awesome story. You really worked wonders with this tidbit.
Follow my ongoing story, 'Upon a Star', on DeviantArt:

"In this egotistic world in which we live in, it is sometimes to wonder if we shouldn't be like mirrors for others to deem us worthy to be looked at." - 'Le Chat'

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Unread 06-15-2010   #3
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Re: Wristband of Inversion (quickie MtF TG story)

Great story!!!
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Unread 06-15-2010   #4
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I enjoyed this.
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Unread 06-15-2010   #5
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Re: Wristband of Inversion (quickie MtF TG story)

I think it was nice how Trevor accepted being changed and was happy about it. Nice story.
-Male characters I like to see TG'd: Koizumi (Haruhi), Shinji (EVA), Keitaro (Love Hina), Satoshi (DNAngel)
-Female characters I'd like to be (Update): Rei (EVA), Ami and Haruka (Sailor Moon), Nene (BGC2040), Teletha (FMP), Haruhi and Mikuru(Haruhi Suzumiya), Yourichi and Rangiku (Bleach), Riza(FMA), Lenalee (D Gray Man), Ennis (Baccano).
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Unread 06-15-2010   #6
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Re: Wristband of Inversion (quickie MtF TG story)

Based on this...

This was a co-ed dorm, but it shouldn't be possible for two people of different genders to share the same room!
...I was expecting a change for Kenneth, too, so that he and Taylor would still be same-sex roommates.

(However, I've read recently that a few colleges do allow co-ed roommates in their dorms. Could it be the result of a change to reality such as this? )
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Unread 06-15-2010   #7
Ryu Hayabusa
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Re: Wristband of Inversion (quickie MtF TG story)

Wow, nice one! You got a full story (with what feels like subtext) in such a short expanse. Bravo!
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Unread 06-16-2010   #8
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Re: Wristband of Inversion (quickie MtF TG story)

There are colleges that allow couples to live together as well if they apply for it as such, especially colleges that offer post-grad degrees, like Law and such.

Nice job on the story
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Unread 06-17-2010   #9
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Re: Wristband of Inversion (quickie MtF TG story)

Glad people have been enjoying it!

@catfish: That quote was a mild error on my part. I had heard of co-ed dorms actually existing but Kenneth isn't supposed to know that. I could have made that quote clearer.

And yes, there is plenty of subtext. I wanted to have some fun.

Though I'm surprised people haven't commented on why I picked Taylor to be the transformed character's name.
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Unread 06-17-2010   #10
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Re: Wristband of Inversion (quickie MtF TG story)

Very well done! Great job!
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