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Unread 08-09-2007   #1
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Introduction Thread

Hi, my name is Taylor and I am new to this forum. I just shot my first BE clip and wanted to post some pictures. I will post pictures from part two shortly. I would also be interested in any feedback or ideas for future clips/videos because I enjoyed shooting this last clip and would love to shoot some more. Thanks you Taylor
Here is the description for the clip.
Dream BIG Pt 1
Taylor has always yearned for really, really, really large breasts and that leads her to surround herself with massive breasted women as part of her job shooting and directing porn. One day a mishap on the set during a sex scene begins a process inside her that she can't nor would stop. PART 2 CONTINUES THE EXPANSIVE JOURNEY AS THINGS GET TOO BIG TO DEAL WITH!!!
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Unread 08-10-2007   #2
Ninja In The Night
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Now see, this is where I have a problem. Welcome to the Forum Taylor. As much as we all love seeing new material, the first post being an ad isn't a great way to start off. Just in my opinion. I do however hope you sell some, but please do more than just sell.
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Unread 08-10-2007   #3
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Ever notice that a lot of people from clips4sale show up, do the same thing, and never post again?

Side note: A sneezing fetish. Yeah, that one's new to me.

It's not that I don't like you. I'm just direct.
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Unread 08-10-2007   #4
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A sneezing fetish?

That's almost as weird as an Ear fetish...

Wait, no, that's not weird, there's tons of elf-lovers out there.
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Unread 08-10-2007   #5
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I joined the forum several months ago after shooting a custom transformation video. (Did I spam then?) In my reading about transformation, I learned about all the different processes and became interested in shooting some more. I did not join this forum to just post an ad. I joined because I need help/feedback.

I have been performing, directing, producing and shooting adult and fetish videos for years and have made a lot of mistakes in my interpretation of what people want to see. You can only learn so much from reading. Rather than producing a bunch of stuff I think people want to see I would rather ask people that like the particular material I am producing what they think of my ideas and what they want to see.

I have a relationship with the majority of the communities I shoot content for. Sneezing is one of them. Had I not developed a relationship with the sneezing community I would not be producing the quality of content in which they want to see. For instance, The induction of the sneeze is just as important to some while nose blowing to others. When I first started shooting these videos I left all sneeze inductions and nose blowing out. In knowing exactly what the people in that community want to see I am now able to produce what they want to see rather than my idea of what they wanted to see which left out key elements.

When I came back to this forum, I was really excited to see if I had received any feedback (negative or positive) or suggestions for future material and to my horror was compaired to other clips4sale owners which I strive never to resemble. I believe most clips4sale owners overprice their clips (beyond the annoying set price structure), have a no feedback attitude and produce what the want you to see rather than developing any working relationship with any communities. My business partner and I work VERY hard to have working relationships with the different communities and to produce very high quality hot content.

I have NO intension of merely spamming this board and would love to be able to come here for help in producing my clips/videos. Please let me know what you want to see. The majority of the clips I shoot are based on feedback or suggestions from forum members from the different forums I belong to.

Had I received any suggestions that is what I would be working on right now rather than sitting here wasting my time defending myself against someone who did not even give me 24 hours before judging and attacking me on this forum.

My store is NOT in the top 15 of clips4sale with all the different fetishes I have in my store because i run around spamming. It is because I shoot what people what to see.
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Unread 08-10-2007   #6
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I've been communicating with Mistress Taylor and her people, and we are going to be working together in the future to deliver some quality content, whether in my store or theirs. The fact is that her dealings with the community is more behind the scenes so she hasn't posted on here before. But she isn't like Farrah who's coming here to extort from us and doesn't really give a shit about the people in the community.

The video quality of their videos and their commitment to making something good is what has impressed me the most, and I'm certain that they'll be able to deliver.

So, be nice.

Last edited by LK; 08-10-2007 at 07:58 PM.
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